1410 MO-72

Rolla, MO

Today's Hours

(573) 364-8086

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Back Pain Relief

Did you wake up this morning and your low back is killing you. Hard to stand up straight, don't feel like you can get up and out of your car. Its called facet syndrome. It is very painful. It is also very easy to fix. Get in to see us today. It won't get better on its own.


April 11, 2011
Team Member
Dr. Moreland

Dr. Moreland offers many different treatment options. He utilizes hands on adjusting and he offers activator as well to patients that prefer this method. Dr. Moreland is very mindful to the type of Chiropractic treatment you prefer. He is an expert in treating herniated disc. Many offices claim to treat sports injuries, Dr. Moreland is the only local board certified sports physician. Dr. Moreland is a Rolla native and lives in Rolla. He is here when you need him. He has been in the same office for the past 25 years.