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Back videos

Alright, I'm looking for input here folks. I have a patient that asked me why I don't put videos on the internet of me adjusting my patients. He told me it's all the rage and he loves watching videos of people getting adjusted or as he put it getting "popped" (The term doesn't offend me).

So my question is, does this intrest people and would you want to be in these videos? I am of the opinion that privacy is important. So I don't have videos showing myself adjusting patients let alone their minor children or babies. They can't consent to having themselves put on display. You don't see Children's Hospital just showing surgeries on You Tube every day.

It's a big world out there I have actually heard employers say they won't hire people that have a bad back. So my feeling is if you are showing to the world that your getting adjusted this is also saying "hey I may have a minor issue otr a severe spine issue". How does a 2 minute video explain your situation.

 I understand that younger chiropractors are more internet savy and also want to show that the care they are giving is accepted by people. This is particularly the case with children.

So email tell me your opinions I want to know, I see the world through my prism and I tend to want to protect peoples privacy.


David J. Moreland Dc, CCSP

Chiropractor Rolla MO

Moreland Chiropractic

October 12, 2017
Team Member
Dr. Moreland

Dr. Moreland offers many different treatment options. He utilizes hands on adjusting and he offers activator as well to patients that prefer this method. Dr. Moreland is very mindful to the type of Chiropractic treatment you prefer. He is an expert in treating herniated disc. Many offices claim to treat sports injuries, Dr. Moreland is the only local board certified sports physician. Dr. Moreland is a Rolla native and lives in Rolla. He is here when you need him. He has been in the same office for the past 25 years.

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