Ok so the pandemic has you down but not out. Work has you working from home and your back has never hurt worse, why?
It's a simple fact that having the right ergonomic chair can only help your back. Patients are working more from home the past six months. This is taking a bad effect on your backs. As I chat with patients many of them are working at the kitchen table with just kitchen chairs. This is a recipe for doom for your back.
Working in an office setting generally puts you at a desk with a qualityergonomic chair or at least a better desk chair than a kitchen chair. You also be getting up and down more moving in the office setting. As I checked with patients working from home, they state they will set up the laptop and sit and work for many hours without a break. It's almost like they have a feeling of guilt from working at home, they feel like they need to do more.
We can't change the pandemic or your work structure at this moment. We can change how you handle work at home. First try to get you a quality office chair, it's a small investment for your back. Second set a timer and make sure that every hour you get up and walk around for a little bit. Sitting all day is hard on your back. We were not meant to sit all day.
Do your back exercises and strengthen her core. Use ice, remember my saying ice is nice hot is not. Heat feels awesome but it increases inflammation and causes arthritis when it's used too much.
The news reported this morning that in May 2020, 50% of all workers wanted to continue to work from home permanently. In a new study this number is dramatically changed in 90% of all workers would prefer to go back to normal office routines.
If there is a likelihood that you may be working from home permanently. Consider investing in a standup desk and a very good exercise ball to sit on. As to a great ergonomic chair, the X chair is a fine chair, a little pricey but you can't find a better one.
Increase your fluids and make sure that you're working normal hours. 8-5 or evenings if that is when you normally work. We are seeing patients that are not sleeping well or not at all. They sleep-in and work late into the night. This will mess up your circadian rhythm, it is not good for your sleep patterns. We need eight hours of sleep a day. When we sleep is when our bodies heal.
Now I'm a chiropractor and I have to say getting regular chiropractic adjustments keep your spine moving and make you healthier, happier, and pain free.My webpage is always open 24/7 take advantage of the exercises, do these exercises to strengthen your core and increase your range of motion.
If you need us were here, Moreland chiropractic clinic, 364-8086. Rolla Missouri
Dr. Moreland
Dr. Moreland offers many different treatment options. He utilizes hands on adjusting and he offers activator as well to patients that prefer this method. Dr. Moreland is very mindful to the type of Chiropractic treatment you prefer. He is an expert in treating herniated disc. Many offices claim to treat sports injuries, Dr. Moreland is the only local board certified sports physician. Dr. Moreland is a Rolla native and lives in Rolla. He is here when you need him. He has been in the same office for the past 25 years.