Hot Low Back or Facet Syndrome and Chiropractic Care.
Probably one of the most painful things a chiropractor treats is facet syndrome also known as a hot low back. The patient has extreme lower back pain that makes it very hard for the patient to get up and down from a seated position. The patient often list or leans to one side and walks with an antalgic gate.
Most often the patient will recall the accident that sets the back off or causes his or her pain. Generally they have suffered a couple of days before they report to the chiropractor for care. Many times it is worse the morning after the injury. It is important to note that both the cervical and lumbar spine can get facet syndrome. Both are equally painful. For the purpose of this BLOG we will discuss the lumbar spine, again. The reason is it continues to plaque many American’s and the residents of Rolla MO.
The facet joint is a zygapophysial joint that is highly innervated and covered with a ligamentous capsule. Inflammation of the joint and capsule causes severe muscle spasms. The facet joints are responsible for providing 20-25% of the stability of the spine. Many patients believe the pain is more in the muscle than the bone. The problem is inflamation in the facet joint and bony structures as well as muscle spasm.
It is the fact that the facet joints are so highly innervated which causes such a great deal of pain for the patient. Often patients develpop a cycle where they get facet syndrome every year or even every month.
At Moreland Chiropractic we have utilized a tried and true method known by some as the McKenzie method. This involves the use of cryo therapy to reduce the inflammation in the facet capsule. Sometimes we also use inferential therapy with this as well. This therapy is followed by McKenzie exercises.
As a Chiropractor we then focus on increasing the active and passive range of motion in spine with specific diversified chiropractic adjustments to the lumbar spine. The adjustment is generally easy and pain free. The patient often reports feeling much better after the initial adjustment.
The patient is generally asked by the chiropractor to continue home McKenzie exercises over the next few days. Paramount to ending this cycle is exercise to strengthen the spine. Strengthening the core muscles will make it less likely for this condition to re-occur.
The thought process of repeated monthly visits to the Chiropractor is lost if no exercises are performed. It is my clinical opinion that the most important thing to maintain a health spine is exercise, not monthly adjustments.
If you have facet syndrome stop by and see what this chiropractor can do for you.
Don’t delay call today. 573-364-8086 Rolla MO 65401
David J. Moreland, DC, CCSP Full time professional chiropractor.
Dr. Moreland
Dr. Moreland offers many different treatment options. He utilizes hands on adjusting and he offers activator as well to patients that prefer this method. Dr. Moreland is very mindful to the type of Chiropractic treatment you prefer. He is an expert in treating herniated disc. Many offices claim to treat sports injuries, Dr. Moreland is the only local board certified sports physician. Dr. Moreland is a Rolla native and lives in Rolla. He is here when you need him. He has been in the same office for the past 25 years.