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Mattress Shopping

Your bed and your health.

There must be something in the air today, everyone is asking me about what bed I think is the best for their back.

So here it goes, keep in mind this is my opinion and I base it on two factors; first how well I sleep and what bed I use, secondly what my patients tell me about their beds and sleep habits.

Point one:  You spend 2880 hours on your bed a year. This is a third of your life. So lesson one; think of it as an investment in you, don’t go on the cheap.  You get what you pay for.

Point two: Try out a bed before you purchase one.  My advice here is go to your local mattress store and lay on a floor sample. Spend some time on the bed make sure you like it.

Point three: Bigger is better.  The larger the surface area the more room you have to move through the night. Less chance your spouse's sleep habits will wake you from a restful sleep.  

Point four: It is rare that I have any patient tell me they love a pillow top.  The pillow top looks great on the show room floor but it will break down and get lumpy.   It feels nice at first but in the long run I say no to pillow tops.  Pillow top mattress cannot be flipped and this is a vital part of mattress maintenance.    

Point five: Think latex foam.  Latex foam mattresses offer great support, they are breathable and comfortable.  Because they are essentially just a big chunk of rubber, with proper maintenance they last a long time.  (I sleep on a latex foam mattress)   These beds are not to be confused with memory foam beds.  I am not a fan of memory foam beds because I find them to be hot, if you are cold natured you may want to consider a memory foam bed.  If you prefer a cooler sleeping environment then a memory foam bed is not for you.

Now the next piece of advice may be the hardest to follow.  If you sleep better when your spouse is out of town, i.e. not in the same bed with you, it is time to consider sleeping in different beds.  Simple fact is you need your sleep, sometimes we don’t sleep as well when we sleep with someone next to us snoring, coughing, moving, kicking, taking the covers, the list goes on and on.

Well that is my short and sweet blog on mattresses.  Take it for what it is, remembering that you spend a great deal of time on this mattresses and they are not cheap anymore. Take your time do to mattress store and really put in the time to get the mattress that is right for you.

Dr. David Moreland, DC, CCSP.

Moreland Chiropractic Clinic

Rolla MO, St. James MO, 65401

August 27, 2012
Team Member
Dr. Moreland

Dr. Moreland offers many different treatment options. He utilizes hands on adjusting and he offers activator as well to patients that prefer this method. Dr. Moreland is very mindful to the type of Chiropractic treatment you prefer. He is an expert in treating herniated disc. Many offices claim to treat sports injuries, Dr. Moreland is the only local board certified sports physician. Dr. Moreland is a Rolla native and lives in Rolla. He is here when you need him. He has been in the same office for the past 25 years.