1410 MO-72

Rolla, MO

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(573) 364-8086

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Sciatica Rolla MO

Bulging or herniated disc can cause a variety of issues and pain. The most common bulging disc in the lumbar spine is L5/S1. It generally is known for causing sciatica. Sciatica is a pain that makes one leg hurt, deep inside like a bone pain for many people. Sitting or car rides often make your symptoms worse.

At Moreland Chiropractic Clinic in Rolla MO we treat bulging or herniated disc with treatment know as Cox method. It is a long axis distraction method. It is very effective and very gentle. Treatment sessions are generally a half hour long, two to three times a week for 4 weeks. Sometimes longer if there are complications or the patient has had sciatica for a long time.

Home care and exercise is very important as well. The patient is asked to strengthen his or her spine. These exercises are available on this web site. They should be done daily to the patients tolerance.

Moreland Chiropractic Clinic has been successfully treating herniated disc for over 25 years. If you have sciatica you should check us out.

Contact our Rolla MO Location at 573-364-8086.

Moreland Chiropractic Clinic.

Dr. David J. Moreland

1410 East State Route 72Rolla MO

April 20, 2020
Team Member
Dr. Moreland

Dr. Moreland offers many different treatment options. He utilizes hands on adjusting and he offers activator as well to patients that prefer this method. Dr. Moreland is very mindful to the type of Chiropractic treatment you prefer. He is an expert in treating herniated disc. Many offices claim to treat sports injuries, Dr. Moreland is the only local board certified sports physician. Dr. Moreland is a Rolla native and lives in Rolla. He is here when you need him. He has been in the same office for the past 25 years.